Rigpa Athlone – Celebrating 20 years

This year we joyfully celebrate 20 years since the opening of Rigpa Athlone. Establishing the centre was something that came about very naturally and was motivated by the simple wish of sharing the wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings. 

The centre opened in 2003. Before that we had hosted a number of successful events with visiting instructors from Ireland including Christine Whiteside and Andrew Warr from Dzogchen Beara and Martin Leonard from Limerick. They all very generously supported us when getting started.

Over the years so many people have passed through the centre attending courses and events and making a connection with the Buddhist teachings and also with Dzogchen Beara. Recently we had a visit from a very curious Chinese student attending the university in Athlone who was simply amazed to see a Tibetan Buddhist Centre in the middle of Ireland.

Sogyal Rinpoche never came to Athlone but once I did have the opportunity to show him some photos of the centre and asked him to bless our activity. Later I heard him say he was amazed that centres had even opened in places he had never visited. I’m not sure he was talking about Athlone but I hoped he was!

A number of years ago the centre hosted two well known Thai monks who were visiting Ireland. At that time a Thai Buddhist group would meet regularly at the centre. So many people attended the teaching you literally could not get in the door. I was genuinely worried the floor would give way! 

Our current activities include  a weekly open evening at the centre that anyone can attend. We also co host the weekly online AEP program for the National Sangha and the online monthly Dzogchen Mandala study program.  

A  heartfelt thanks to all the people who continue to support us.

Anthony McCay

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Upcoming Events

Time to Meditate – Dublin
Avila Carmelite Centre
Bloomfield Avenue
9th September - 9th June 2025

Resting the mind, Mondays online
Rest your mind
Rigpa North Coast
6th - 5th January 2026

Time to Meditate – Cork Mondays
Time to meditate thumbnail
Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
13th January - 15th April 2025

The Life and Teachings of the Buddha
The Life and Teachings of the Buddha - thumbnail
Avila Carmelite Centre
Bloomfield Avenue
13th January - 24th March 2025

Meditation – Exploring Everyday Wisdom
Rigpa Athlone
1 Bastion street
15th January - 4th June 2025

Kum Nye – Relaxation and Healing through Movement
Avila Carmelite Centre
Bloomfield Avenue
2nd February 2025