North Coast Sangha Summer retreat report

At the beginning of August 2023, thirteen members of the North Coast sangha decided to step out of their regular routine to gather together and take part in a non-residential weekend retreat.

During the two days, we practised meditation together and reviewed some of the key points of the Three Higher Trainings teachings recently imparted by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche in Dzogchen Beara. The Three Higher Trainings include the trainings in discipline, meditation and wisdom.

North Coast group photo
Group picture of participants

The retreat venue was a sangha member’s cosy Summer house in the countryside near Bushmills. It provided a peaceful and natural environment for the weekend. To balance sitting practice with mindful movement, a walking meditation in scenic White Park Bay as well as Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga and Qi Gong sessions were offered each day.

Each day, we shared some delicious food and everybody brought something to the table. Participants who did not live nearby were hosted by the local sangha and some even went for a swim on the Causeway coast in the evening! The atmosphere was very friendly and supportive, many of the sangha members have been practising meditation and studying together (online and in-person) for a long time.

White Park Bay

The weekend was a great opportunity to deepen our practice and understanding of meditation, the best tool to help us transform our mind. Participants were able to share openly and take part in small group discussions which contributed to a sense of connection between like-minded people. Even a short retreat can be a powerful opportunity to refresh one’s inspiration on the path, take a break from one’s regular environment and bring a change in perspective.

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Upcoming Events

Time to Meditate – Dublin
Avila Carmelite Centre
Bloomfield Avenue
9th September - 9th June 2025

Resting the mind, Mondays online
Rest your mind
Rigpa North Coast
6th - 5th January 2026

Time to Meditate – Cork Mondays
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Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
13th January - 15th April 2025

Meditation – Exploring Everyday Wisdom
Rigpa Athlone
1 Bastion street
15th January - 4th June 2025

move2meditate – Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga & Meditation
Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
9th March 2025