Rigpa Athlone, 1 Bastion Street, Athlone, Co Westmeath
Telephone: +353 (0)86 061 7701
Email: athlone@rigpa.ie
Welcome to Rigpa Athlone – The centre was established in 2003. We are situated in the heart of the Left Bank area of Athlone close to the River Shannon and Castle. We run a program of classes on meditation throughout the year that are open to everyone. Classes are informal and relaxed and include a short tea break.

Meditation – Exploring Everyday Wisdom
One unique aspect of the Buddhist tradition is the rich understanding of mind. Mind is recognised as the basis for all our experience. This includes our thoughts, emotions, feelings and in fact everything we perceive.
One incredibly practical way of working with our mind is the practice of meditation.
Each evening we will explore the practice of meditation and have a chance to practice together. Throughout the course will also look at other important topics drawn form the Buddhist tradition that support our well being and happiness.
This course is suitable for everyone
Dates and times: Wednesdays 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Starts: 22nd January 2025
You can join this course at any time.
Location: Rigpa Athlone, 1 Bastion Street
Cost: suggested donation €8 or what you can afford
Rigpa Students – Sangha Programme
Monthly Gatherings
- Contact centre for dates.
Weekly Study Group
- Contact centre for dates.
Rigpa Students – DM Study Programme
- Contact centre for dates.
Rigpa Ireland Limited is a registered charity, Company Registration Number 492745, Charities Regulatory Authority ref. 20076450, and has confirmed charitable status from the Revenue Commissioners, ref. CHY 19478.
Our centre activities are run solely by volunteers.